Sunday, April 25, 2010

Neo Bahamut Eidolon

I have been thinking a lot about both Bleach and Final Fantasy 13. Whenever I hear a story, I like to put myself in the mix as a supporting character, sharing ideals and teaching a learning form them (normally I like being the stronger one and therefore the teacher but still on the same level as the main character). When putting myself in Both Bleach and Final Fantasy 13, they had Zanpaktou and Eidolon's which where reflections of what kind of person they were. The Summon that sticks out most in my head out of all the summons is the Neo Bahamut. This dragon goes into space and absorbs solar rays and energy to fire a devastating beam. I think that this summon reflects a noble and honorable creature that will fight even if it means his own death. I'd like to believe that that is what will best describe my values but that is not what this blog posting is about. This blog posting is on the successful implementation of the Neo Bahamut of Final Fantasy VII into a person (and also if possible a satellite). The Idea I have so far is to have a knight looking person with a large shield planted on the ground (made of Neo Bahamut's six wings) and a sword that revs up when the trigger is pulled (which will be it's tail). Now how this creature transforms from a human looking creature to a Bahamut is by first throwing his shield into the air. The head of Bahamut engulfs the hand (giving it an extra pare of teeth) and reveals a small grove opening, where the handle of the shield fits in and slides down to his back. This right leg becomes the right hand of the Bahamut and has the hand come out of the bottom of the knight looking foot (the foot ends up looking like a bracelet in the Bahamut form). His left leg becomes Bahamuts right leg, (this one looked more like a dragon styled armoured leg) and has the ends of it's toes open for claws. The right arm stays as the right arm, looking exactly like the left Bahamut arm, and the long hair of the man crosses over the back of his body and turns out to be the left leg of the Bahamut. Now the shape of the body was hard for me to figure out but now I have at least an acceptable shape. It's going to be in the shape of a triangle but with the edges round and the vertex concave in. It will have the head and the arm in the middle of the concave parts and will have the legs and arms corresponding. The human will look as though it has a really big chest and a linear body underneath. The right leg rises while the hair slides down the back. It fits through the grove in the waist at the last second and while the waist is twisting around to make the left leg right for the Bahamut. This makes all the libs in the right place while the wings slide straight into place and the human head becomes a cockpit for the Eidolon's master. The tail for the Bahamut gets placed in the pelvis of the human while it is spinning and becomes less rigid than it's sword form. In Bahamut form, it uses beams of energy from it's mouth and uses the edges of his wings as remote control guns like Prodclad from the series (see here). It also uses it's super speed as a weapon, smashing straight into people. Neo Bahamut will use physical and non elemental magic (and if brought back, holly magic). His final attack will send him into space where he will have his dragon head move to the center of his body while his legs and arms hold his head in place. His wing open and charge and when he fires, a large beam comes from his neck and millions of small beams come from his wings. The main beam makes the neck recoil, and after the main beam hits the ground, and the monster falls, the extra wing beams hit after and destroy all the rest of the enemies. I have been thinking about a second Final Fantasy 13 (I know, already, and there are three other Final Fantasy 13's coming out. How will that work?) and you would create your own character and through the decisions you make depends on what Eidolon you get. You would play as though the character takes care of small enemies while the Eidolon takes out the massive enemies, (like the bosses in the old one). You would first chose between Commando and Ravenger and then as the game progressed, you would gain access to two more classes. These three would allow you complete skill upgrade. the others you would get far latter in the game and would be far more limited in the skills acquired. You would also get to choose two elements for your type and those you would be able to strengthen to the most damaging attacks. My Neo Bahamut will automatically be a commando, sentinel and medic being able to use physical and non elemental magic, defences and healing. He can also learn haste as a synergist. The Paradigm system uses a combination of you and your Eidolon being able to single attack, combine attack, Gestalt attack, Single Gestalt attack. These modes allow for running fights and the new fights will have environmental advantages and damages. The TP gauge will allow for the mega attacks and will allow you to fuse with your Eidolon like Cid Rains. The game takes place during the Pulse and Cocoon war. With all the summons already around there will be lots of choices.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pure Disease

This character will also have a monster living inside of her, but it will not be like the monsters that take the shape of a creature remotely like an animal. It will be a monster made of white sludge and will be able to move it's body into any shape. It will look like the girl that possesses her and will have black spikes coming out of it's shoulders and have it's eyes always closed. Her weapons will be blades attached to chains that come out of her body. The special ability this girl has is that she can function without any of her organs because the suit she wears will reform and absorb anything that damages it (but she will still bleed). She swings the chains throughout her body and cuts enemies with the swords at the end (I was thinking that as her best weapon, switching the swords with shuricans so they can add more damage while spinning and increase speed). She can also go into other creatures and take control of there bodies like a disease (pending on the strength of the target depends on whether she need to use her whole self or just a bit of sludge). In her first stage of transformation, only her eyes will bleed and she will start changing the shape of her body to avoid attacks. Her second stage will have the creature coming out of all of her orifices and forming a face, ears and two tails (that when hit the floor turn into puddles and create walls of sludge). Her shoulders also get spiked as well and the face after a while had the blood from her eyes bleed through the mask. Her third form has her body consumed by the sludge (except her face) where the neck and face of the monster is coming out. It's legs become stumps and it's arms become claws. It tends to not move and uses sludge as a weapon instead of the chains. This form also doesn't walk and instead turns into a puddle and moves. The problem this beast has is that it can only come out of a body for a limited time. The only way to beat this creature is to get rid of all the sludge as fast as you can. The more he has to repair, the less time he has. The girl herself is always sick, and has fainting spells like Uketake from Bleach (just look this one up your own). Her eyes also sometimes bleed randomly for no reason too. She accidentally kills her parents by coming in contact with them and having the disease kill them. She ends up locking herself away and accidentally killing everyone that lived with her. She has problems touching people will bear skin like Rogue from X-men. She can also hide her body into plants and jump out of the inside of them. The same goes for humans. She as a last ability can absorb humans and look like the person she absorbed, gaining there knowledge and strength.

Puppet Possession

This has just been an idea I have had about one specific character and a culture that could live like this character. The character you see is a puppet. She only has one piece of clothing and is all dirty, with long brown hair. The only thing she has else is a bracelet (which is actually a drill kind of like a corkscrew). I have had two ideas for how this character is to be alive. Idea one; the doll is controlled by a ghost that possesses it and therefore can move and see. The other idea is that there is a child that is always hiding where no one can see him (even though the puppet itself will sound like an older woman) and that he controls the puppets with strings. The second idea I think, could become a type of society, where everyone has weird puppets and only the children are allowed to be seen in public. After a certain age, they would have to know how never to be seen because the society encourages people to kill non puppets. Only through puppet intercourse can two people actually meet and then have real intercourse (sorry, I know this is really detailed but I like having things realistic). The rich people would have Lowbrow style puppets and have really creepy voices. The main puppet I am talking about will have multiple swords come out of her chest like Konjiki's Ashisogi Jizou Bankai and uses her ability to reassemble as her main defence. Her only vulnerability is salt as spells of sealing or binding. This effects her spirit. Although the puppet is made of wood as well, it won't burn because of her spirit.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The North Wind Wolf

I will think of a better name than that, I promise. This is an idea for another monster character I have created. First I will describe the monster and then the person. The monster is an ice based winged pup chained to a mirror in a cracked egg shell. Hard to imagine, I know. The only thing you see really is a large egg with wings coming out of it and a large soft looking tail. This creature will be able to use the same attacks that her human form can use but will be able to use them as a gigantic monster. The girl who suffers from this beast is able to control ice to her will. She uses it as a defence by covering herself with walls of ice (but not straight walls, round ones) and throw ice fissures (the best way I can describe them is as a trail of spikes coming from the ground or the air). The walls she uses to defend herself are capable of sending you in different directions (like a mirror that you can pass through) allowing her to almost "avoid" any attack thrown at her. She also uses a sword that has multiple ice swords floating and coping every action that the original does. This is inspired be Yoshi from Bleach and the way she has energy swords but she uses them as a repeated attack in one slash and throws them for range (can see here). She will have a shield, like that of a berserk in Final Fantasy 13 (see here) and will use it like a shield (although she never uses it until she goes into her final form). In her regular forms, she can throw ice spikes along with ice fissures, and out of the air around her, create ice spike balls that she tries to create inside of the person. This girl suffers from split personalities and can have her whole body freeze back into original form, even her head (although that makes her more prone to her personalities splitting to a more violent one. She exist in a dimension in her left eye (which is the beasts eye not hers) and can be pulled out of the dimension when her eye is grabbed by another (she covers her eye with hair because it doesn't move with her eyes and stays still and open, making it suspicious). Outside of her dimension she covers herself with a thin ice sheet as protection, almost like Garra from Naruto (she here) and can create spikes on her skin and can have (at the cost of great energy) have an attack pass through her as the ice walls do (she gets weird tattoos when she uses it and will have her existence in the world as only an image if the tattoos consume her whole body) . She also "kind of" doesn't sleep because the eye stays opens and protects her even when she is sleeping. In her first form she has a crack in her face, and her eye is a white ball (the monster eye turns white). She will have anklets, brackets and a necklace like that of the ice queen in Enchanted Arms (see here) and will be able to fire ice beams. This is when she will take out her sword and she will get a tail. The tail will be used as a whip and will go from a spike tail to a flowing fur one as the situation arises. This girl will be able to create an ice explosion that is like Sasori of Naruto's Metal sand technique (she here at the end when he finally hits Sakura with the Metal Sand). Her last from, she will get ice armour that looks like a wolf. the half of her face that has the monster's eye will have a dog style helmet but the other half will not. She will get the shield I was talking about earlier and will be able to take her sword and turn it into a trident shape spear which she only can throw once, and will burst into a gigantic frost cross that can float through time and space without anything holding it up, kind of like Hitsugia in Bleach Memories of No One (see here). This girl suffers from her split personality disorder because the mirror inside her witch allows her to reflect on herself is broken. The only mirror in her soul is that of the monster, which she can't control.